The FQF stimulates lifelong learning
Rapid changes in technology, economy and society require lifelong learning. In a rapidly changing world, you cannot but constantly brush up your competences or acquire new ones.
The FQF contributes to the realisation of lifelong learning by promoting communication and cooperation between education and training providers. Moreover, the FQF maps qualifications and helps you choose an appropriate qualification route.
The FQF facilitates the transition from school to work
Education and the labour market are closely linked. If education is insufficiently oriented towards labour market needs, difficulties may emerge in the labour market. Qualifications ensure better matching of training programmes to the competences needed by the labour market and society.
The FQF enhances transparency and interchangeability
A uniform description of qualifications in competences makes clear what knowledge and skills you need to be able to exercise a profession, to start further education or to participate in society.
The FQF enables you to check which qualifications are within your reach by comparing your competences with the competences described in the qualification. It helps you set out an individualised pathway, paying sufficient attention to EVC (Earlier acquired competences) and the interchangeability of competences between the different systems of learning.
The FQF enhances mobility
The FQF enables easier comparison of qualifications in Europe. It increases your learning and job mobility.