Educational qualifications

An educational qualification gives an overview of the knowledge and skills an individual needs to start further studies, to participate in society or to exercise a specific profession.

4 steps towards a recognised educational qualification

Step 1 

Development of an educational qualification dossier

A proposal of educational qualification consists of final objectives, specific final objectives or professional qualifications.

By whom?

AHOVOKS on its own initiative or at the request of any stakeholder

Step 2 

Advice on a proposal of educational qualification

Based on previously agreed criteria, the Vlor (Flemish educational Council) delivers advice on the proposal of educational qualification.

By whom?


Step 3 

Recognition of the educational qualification

Educational qualifications are recognised based on the recognition advice.

By whom?

The Government of Flanders

Step 4 

Registration of the educational qualification

A recognised educational qualification is registered in the qualifications database.

By whom?


Step 1 

Development an educational qualification dossier

A proposal for an educational qualification consists of one or several professional qualifications on level 5. A proposal is made by defining which professional qualifications you want to include.

By whom?

AHOVOKS on its own initiative or on request

Step 2 

Advice on a proposal of educational qualification

Based on previously agreed criteria, the competent authority delivers advice on the proposal of educational qualification.

By whom?

The Commission for Higher Education

Step 3 

Recognition of the educational qualification

Educational qualifications are recognised based on the recognition advice.

By whom?

The Government of Flanders

Step 4 

Registration of the educational qualification

A recognised educational qualification is registered in the qualifications database.

By whom?


Step 1 


Subject-specific earning outcomes must be described for each degree program. The validated descriptions of the subject-specific learning outcomes will automatically be recognized as qualifications on level 6, 7 or 8.

By whom?

Institutions of higher education, coordinated by VLIR and VLHORA

Step 2 


After a correctly performed procedure and a check of the level based on the FQF, the subject-specific learning outcomes will automatically be recognized as qualifications on level 6, 7 or 8..

By whom?

NVAO, the Dutch-Flemish organization for accreditation

Step 3 


Educational qualifications are recognised based on the recognition advice.

By whom?